时间:2009-05-05 20:35
the Great Vehicled 大乘
the Lesser Vehicle 小乘
the Diamond Vehicle 金刚乘
Four Noble Truths 四圣谛
苦 suffering
集 causes of suffering
灭 suppression of suffering
道 path to suppression of suffering
Twelve Links in the Chain of Causation 十二因缘
cycle of rebirths 轮回
ignorance 惑
nirvana 涅磐
greed 贪
hatred 嗔
stupidity 痴
pride 慢
hesitation 疑
wrong view 恶见
no-soul 无我
impermanence 无常
sentient beings 众生
deva 天
human 人
asura 阿修罗
animal 畜牲
hungry ghost 饿鬼
denizen of hell 地狱
morality 戒 concentration 定 wisdom 慧
action 身 speech 口 consciousness 意
lay Buddhists 居士
novice monks 沙弥
monks 比丘
Five Precepts 五戒
personal enlightenment 自觉 universal enlightenment 觉他 full enlightenment 觉满
Buddha of Medicine 药师佛 Buddha Maitreya 弥勒佛
body of essence 法身 award body 报身 body of transformation 化身
Four Heavenly Kings 四天王
karma 因果
Buddha Amitaba 阿弥陀佛
Buddha of Sunlight (法身佛)毗卢遮那佛
Buddha Sakyamuni 释迦牟尼佛
Bodhisattva of Compassion 观音菩萨
Boohisattva of Ultimate Knowledge 文殊菩萨
Bodhisattva of Universal Benevolence 普贤菩萨
Bodhisattva of Great Power 大势至菩萨
bodhi 菩提
dhyana 禅那
sangha 僧团
saha 娑婆
五蕴 five aggregates
色 aggregate of material body
受 aggregate of feelings
想 aggregate of perceptions
行 aggregate of predispositions
识 aggregate of consciousness