Source: from the internet abbot's quarters 方丈室 * the Abhidharma-kosa-Shastra 俱舍论 Abhidharma Pitika 论藏 the Abstract of Abhidharma-kosa-Shastra 俱舍大要 the Abstract of the Awesome Deportments of Ten Shramanera Precepts 沙弥十戒威仪录要 the Accomplishment Buddha 成就佛 * accordingly rejoice 随喜 * acharya 阿阇梨 * affinities 因缘 * (with emphasis on good relationships) aid 加持 * the Akshobhya Buddha 阿閦佛 * Alaya-Consciousness 阿赖耶识 = Storehouse Consciousness 藏识 * the Agama Sutra 阿含经 All living beings have the Buddha-nature; all can become Buddhas. 一切众生,皆有佛性,皆堪作佛.* almsgiver / giving host 施主 * an amala fruit 庵摩罗果 * the Amitabha Sutra 阿弥陀经 the Buddha Speaks the Amitabha Sutra 佛说阿弥陀经* annihilated 断灭 * anoint the crown of the head, empowerment or initiation 灌顶 * analogy 譬喻 * the Anuttarayoga Tantra 无上瑜伽部 the Anuttarayoga Great-awesome-virtues (Yamantaka) Honored One 无上部大威德一尊 aranya 阿练若 * arisal of conditions 缘起 * Ashvajit 马胜 * the Attained Great Strength (Mahasthamaprapta) 得大势 * attain to wisdom 开智慧 * attendant 侍者 * attract 摄Vimalakirtinirdesasutra Auspicious Vinaya Monastery 吉祥律院 Avichi Hells 阿鼻地狱 * awesome deportment 威仪 *B blessing / blessedness 福 (It depends on where to use.) the bliss of Dhyana 禅悦 * (bring forth) Bodhi resolve, Bodhi-mind, Bodhichitta/Bodhicitta or resolve for enlightenment (发)菩提心 * Bodhimanda 道场 = Way-place * body produced by intent 意生身 * bow (to the feet of) 顶礼 * bow repentances 拜忏 * the Brahma Net Sutra 梵网经* Bright-eyed Advisors 明眼善知识 * the Brilliant Mantra of Six Words 六字大明咒 * bubbling spring 涌泉 * the Buddha of Immeasurable Life 无量寿佛 * the Buddha's Universal Great Means Expansive Flower Adornment Sutra 大方广佛华严经* the Buddha-spoken Ullambana Sutra佛说盂兰盆经* Buddhist Association 佛协 Buddhist Canon = Tripitaka 三藏 *C calligraphy 书法 * carry on the single pulse of the patriarchs' mind-transmission 推行祖师一脉心传 cast out the false and retain the true 去伪存真 * catch on fire and enter a demonic state 走火入魔 * cause and effect 因果 * causes and conditions 因缘 (with emphasis on the theory, eg. 12 causes and conditions) * celestial eye 天眼 = heavenly eye * chandana 旃檀 * change birth and death 变易生死 * the Chapter of Dhyana Meditation 禅定品 Stopping and Contemplation 止观 the Chapter of the Universal Door of Gwan Shr Yin Bodhisattva 观世音菩萨普门品* the Chapter of the Universal Door 普门品 * chef 大寮 clarified butter 醍醐 * clasp 搭扣 * climb on conditions / seize upon conditions 攀缘 * compliantly rejoice 随喜 = accordingly rejoice * conditioned dharmas 有为法 * consciousness devoid of filth 无垢识 * the Consciousness-only 唯识 * contemplation method 观想法 Continuous Walking / Standing Buddha Samadhi 常行/般舟三昧 * convert (a person) 度(人) * corpse-guarding ghost 守尸鬼 * couplet 对联 * cross over (a person) 度(人) * cultivation and certification 修证 * cycle of rebirth 轮回 * cymbals 钹D Dakini 空行母 Dana 檀那 * Danapati 檀越 * Deer-Wilds Park 鹿野苑 = Deer Park * defiling objects 尘 * delusion 惑 * demon hordes 魔民 * demon spotting mirror 照魔镜 * Dependent Origination and the Emptiness of Nature 缘起性空 deviant pride 邪慢 * deviant knowledge 邪见 * Dharani 陀罗尼 * Dharma Ending Age 末法 * Dharma events 法事 * Dharma is level and equal, with no high or low. 是法平等,无有高下.* Dharma joy 法喜 * Dharma assembly 法会 * Dharma master 法师 * Dharma Semblance Age 像法 * Dhyana concentration / samadhi 禅定 * diligent and vigorous 勤精进 * direct karma 性业 vs contributing karma 遮业 * Disseminate the Dharma 传法 division of seeing 见分 * division of characteristics 相分 * Don't do any evil, offer up all good conduct. 诸恶莫作,众善奉行.* Dhuta practice 头陀行 * dispel subtle delusions 除细惑 * draw straws 抽签 *E the Earth Store Sutra 地藏经 * efficacious / magical atmosphere 灵气 * egocentrism 我执 eight virtues of filiality, fraternity, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, incorruptibility, a sense of shame 八德:孝,悌,忠,信,仁,义,廉,耻 Eight Winds 八风 * elder Dharma Master 老法师 eloquence of delight in speech 乐说辩才 * Empowerment 灌顶 (It's widely used for "anointing head-crown", it's said it's better than "initiation". However, it shall only mean "aid from gurus".) enlightenment of self, enlightenment of others, the perfection of enlightened practice 自觉,觉他,觉行圆满 * erudition 多闻 * essence, energy, spirit 精气神 * essentials of the mind 心要 * evil karma 恶业 * evoke response 感报 * exalted hero 大雄 * executive 执事 * exert oneself in ascetism 苦行 * exploit conditions 攀缘 * exploits of demons 魔事 * external paths / externalist religions 外道 * extinction 灭 *F fine comportment 威仪 * fine mote of dust 微尘 * five desires 五欲 * five edible members of the allium family five pungent plants - onions, leeks, garlic, chives or shallots (scallions) 五辛 洋葱,韭,蒜,细香葱,大葱 five marks of decay 五衰相 * Five Mysterious Meanings 五重玄义 * five rebellious acts 五逆 * five Skandhas 五蕴 * Five-Syllable Mantra 五字真言 * flattering and crooked mind 陷曲心 * flesh-body Bodhisattva 肉身菩萨 * the Flower Adornment Sutra 华严经* Foremost truth 第一义谛 * foul-mouthed 恶口 * Four Additional Practices (Heat, Summit, Patience, Foremost in the World) 四加行 * Four Applications of Mindfulness 四念处 * Four-armed Gwan Yin (Avalokiteshvara) 四臂观音 Four Dharmas of Attraction 四摄法 * Four Dhyanas and Eight Samadhis 四禅八定 * Four Dhyana Heavens 四禅天 * fourfold assembly 四众 four-stage Arahat 四果罗汉 * freak-spotting mirror 照妖镜 * (in) full-lotus posture 跏趺坐 * Fundamental Honored One (often translated wrongly as "personal deity or tutelary deity".It's not a god!) 本尊 gather in all six organs 都摄六根 * Gelukpa Order 格鲁派 Geshe 格西 gild image 装金 * give rise to the Buddha's knowledge and vision 开佛知见 * giving 布施 * goblin 妖 * gong 钟 * good roots 善根 * Good and Wise Advisor / Good Knowing Advisor 善知识 * gossip 两舌 * go to kitchen 过堂 grasping 取 (十二因缘) * great affinities 大因缘 * Great Brahma King 大梵天王 * the Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra 大悲心陀罗尼经* great exemplars in the Three Realms 弘范三界 * great golden-winged peng bird 大鹏金翅鸟 * Great Vehicle / Mahayana 大乘 great wholesome silence 大善寂力 * the Greatly Wise Manjushri Bodhisattva 大智文殊师利菩萨 * ground incense 末香 * Guest Prefect 知客 * guru 上师 harsh speech 恶口 * hateful 嗔 * haughty pride 慢过慢 * |