A Spoon for Every Bite - Joe Hayes
时间:2010-10-08 19:10
I don't like the poor couple, I don't like the story at all.
The rich man was very kind but stupid. He knew he was the richest man but he didn't refuse the request from the poor couple to be their son's godfather. He treated them as his friends.
He didn't know they were so poor that they have only two spoons. But once he knew that, he gave them all the spoons he didn't need any more.
He was so knid but he was so stupid. Why didn't he see the mountain of spoons stood beside the poor couple's house? And why didn't he see his house was empty and empty?
He spent all his money on spoons, he even sold his livestock and land to buy more. In the end, he was so poor that he had only one spoon left. He was poorer than the poor couple.
The poor couple was too mean to be a human being. At the beginning they were not really too poor to have more than two sppons. They were just spent their money for other purpose. Once they need a third sppon, they could save their money and bought one.
They made fun of the rich man, they fooled him. They didn't tell him all the truth even the rich man kept copying their story and giving all the spoons to them. They accepted all the spoons. They were not honest people. In the end of the story, they sold all the spoons and bacome rich but they didn't bother thinking about helping the rich man back.
A mean poor couple tricked a kind rich man and I don't think he deserved it.
I hate the couple, I really do.